Marking UDI codes with picosecond laser

Picosecond laser:
the secrets of this technology

We have already talked about the Picosecond Laser in this article and how important it is today to ensure 100% reliable Laser marking for UDI codes on medical devices.


The medical industry is one of the most demanding industries for Laser marking on both metal and plastic.


This is why the advent of the Picosecond Laser has been a revolution for all companies in the industry. Let’s take a closer look at its technical specifications.

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UDI codes on medical devices

Laser marking is the only safe technology when dealing with traceability and people’s lives. This does not alter the surface of the material and does not compromise the functionality of the instruments.

GS1-128 LINEAR BARCODE (commonly used for UDI data capture)
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DI (Device Identifier)

DI is the mandatory part of the UDI code. It specifies the version and the model of the products

PI (Production Identifier)

PI is the variable part of the UDI code. It includes:

Laser marking in the medical industry follows a precise code system – called GS1-128 and GS1 Datamatrix – which contain the mandatory information for product traceability.The code must also be visible to the human eye and should be applied to all categories of devices by law.

The Laser marking processes with which we apply these codes are:

The code must also be fully visible to the human eye and must be applied to all categories of devices, which we can divide between:

Annealing: impalpable black laser marking

In this article we will focus on the best Laser for achieving black, impalpable and reflection-free Laser marking on metal instruments. The Picosecond Laser is without a doubt the king of Annealing.


Annealing is a Laser marking process in which the material is heated on the surface and turns black. There is no removal of material or surface change. Nevertheless, the result is as indelible as ever when it comes to Laser marking.


With the Picosecond Laser, marking is black and reflection-free. Codes and markings on scalpels (or other instruments) will always be visible under whatever light you look at them. This is essential in the operating room.

The Picosecond laser: no oxidation

The Picosecond Laser does not oxidize and does not rust. At LASIT, we have an area of the laboratory dedicated to Salt Spray Tests to guarantee the resistance and quality of Laser markings on our customers’ products. The markings made with the Picosecond Laser have passed all tests.

The Picosecond Laser: Passivation-proof

Resistance to citric and nitric passivation cycles is another Test that the Picosecond Laser passes with flying colors. At LASIT, we test resistance to citric passivation through repeated stress cycles on the Laser marking. 

With the Picosecond Laser, codes do not fade but remain high-contrast black.

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UDI-Code-Lsit-Laser-Marking Marking UDI Codes with Picosecond Laser

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